
Are you looking for ideas that will help your business increase sales during the holidays? Learn some marketing techniques that can help.

About Me
A Holiday Success

The Christmas season is my favorite time of the year. I always put up a large Christmas tree in my house right after Thanksgiving Day. Besides a tree, I also set up many other types of beautiful decorations throughout my home. Besides decorating, I love to purchasing unique gifts for my loved ones. I’m always amazed at the creative marketing campaigns retail establishments roll out during the holiday season. I enjoy watching sentimental commercials, browsing glossy sales papers, and viewing online advertisements. On this blog, I hope you will learn some marketing techniques that will put your business’s holiday sales over the top this year.

3 Ways Pinterest Will Improve Your Business Growth

14 March 2019
, Blog

When it comes to building a business today, creating a web presence with a heavy social media following and shareable content is the name of the game. A business simply cannot compete today if they aren't focusing on these things. One of the best ways to reach customers is by using the photocentric app, Pinterest. Here are three ways Pinterest can help you grow your business. Showcase Your Products Pinterest will allow you to create a virtual catalog of the products you have to offer. Read More …

Six Mistakes to Avoid When It Comes to Newsletter Marketing for Your Accounting Firm

18 January 2019
 Categories: , Blog

Newsletters can be an extremely powerful marketing tool for an accounting firm. They can provide potential and current clients with useful information that encourages them to do business with you. However, newsletters need to be designed and sent out properly to offer maximum effectiveness.  The following are six mistakes that it's important to avoid at your accounting firm when it comes to your newsletter marketing campaign: Focusing too much on sales in your newsletters Read More …

3 Keys For Geo Marketing Strategies

9 September 2018
 Categories: , Blog

In order to get the best from your company, you need to make sure that your marketing is in order. Since there are so many different forms of marketing, you really owe it to yourself to learn the types that will be useful to you. One of the best forms of marketing to look into is geo marketing. This allows you to use location technology in order to draw in customers. Read More …

Uniforms Can Benefit Your Business

25 March 2018
 Categories: , Blog

Success in business takes a lot. Yes, customer service is essential and a product or service people really need is important, but the format for success doesn't stop here. If you want to be successful, you also need a great image. Learn how business uniforms can improve your company's image. Professionalism Customers want to do business with companies that are professional. When the average customer sees professionalism, they may have more trust in the company and be more willing to do business with them. Read More …

3 Tips For Reducing Error In Political Polls

18 January 2018
 Categories: , Blog

Political polls are a popular method of gaining insight into the way people might vote during any election. Avoiding error as much as possible will enhance the accuracy of your poll and give your audience a more accurate conclusion. Have Adequate Sample Size Error and sample size are closely related. The larger your sample, the smaller your margin of error. Fortunately, there are numerous methods used to estimate the number of participants you will need for your study. Read More …