
Are you looking for ideas that will help your business increase sales during the holidays? Learn some marketing techniques that can help.

About Me
A Holiday Success

The Christmas season is my favorite time of the year. I always put up a large Christmas tree in my house right after Thanksgiving Day. Besides a tree, I also set up many other types of beautiful decorations throughout my home. Besides decorating, I love to purchasing unique gifts for my loved ones. I’m always amazed at the creative marketing campaigns retail establishments roll out during the holiday season. I enjoy watching sentimental commercials, browsing glossy sales papers, and viewing online advertisements. On this blog, I hope you will learn some marketing techniques that will put your business’s holiday sales over the top this year.

5 Tips For Hosting An Amazing Client Dinner

11 January 2017
, Blog

While many deals can be achieved in the office or boardroom, it is not uncommon for upper-level management to have to spend a lot of time entertaining clients both before a deal is agreed on and throughout the course of working with a client. Planning and foresight can make a big difference between a boring client dinner and an amazing meal that lets the client know that their business is important to your company. Read More …

Three Tips For Attracting Clients To Your Financial Services Business

20 July 2016
 Categories: , Blog

Recruiting clients for your financial services business can be a challenging task, but it is essential for allowing your enterprise to grow and be profitable. For those that are struggling with coming up with marketing ideas, it may be beneficial to keep the following few tips in mind as you work to develop your approach to marketing. Hold Informational Dinners, Workshops And Seminars It is an unfortunate fact that many people are inexperienced and intimidated when it comes to making financial decisions. Read More …

3 Ways Trade Show Displays Aid In Marketing Your Product

20 April 2016
 Categories: , Blog

Regardless of the item you're trying to sell, you'll need to have the right marketing strategy in place. This will allow your product to get the attention it deserves and potentially help to promote sales. One of the most efficient ways for you to do this is by having a trade show display. This is a usually a booth that is loaded with the items you have to sell. It's ideal to know some of the ways having this type of display will allow you to market your products. Read More …

Three Reasons Your Company Needs To Hire An Advertising Agency

17 February 2016
 Categories: , Blog

Ad campaigns aren't the same as they were 20 years ago. The evolution of the Internet has caused the advertising and marketing industry to change completely at a rapid pace. Unfortunately, the industry has changed so much that many business owners don't know exactly what advertising agencies do. It's common for people to think that you only need to hire an advertising agency if you need radio, print, or television ad campaigns, but that's not the case. Read More …

Four Things To Consider When Selecting Window Coverings For Your Child’s Bedroom

22 January 2016
 Categories: , Blog

Window coverings for your child's bedroom can be both decorative and functional. As you begin to consider different ways to decorate your child's room, here are a few things to consider for the room's window coverings. Cordless Coverings Traditional blinds and curtains with cords can pose a strangulation hazard. While you can invest in childproofing tools that keep the cords wrapped up, a better option is to go cordless with your window coverings. Read More …